Hair transplant in Turkey

Hair all over our bodies differs, but the way it grows is pretty much the same. Just underneath the skin, all bound together and combining a variety of structures such as nerves, blood vessels, and sweat glands, are our hair follicles, where individual hairs gradually increase in length as more cells are added to the base over time. As part of their natural cycle, hair stops growing and eventually fall out of the follicles, to be replaced with new ones. When someone plucks their eyebrows, this is only a short-term solution as the follicle will simply grow new hair. The problem arises when for some reason or another, hair stops growing. This can be caused by a number of elements, such as a significant trauma to the skin leaving scar tissue without any follicles. Although both men and women may suffer from this type of hair loss, it is more common among men; where the follicles around the hairline, the top of the head, and right back to the crown, have the receptors for a particular switch-off hormone, and gradually stop producing hair. Once the old hairs fall out, you are left with what is known as male-pattern hair loss. Hair transplant offers a solution by transplanting not just the hair, but also healthy follicles, into the areas that require them. Now that you have some insight regarding hair transplantation, we can introduce Dr. Serkan Aygin Hair Transplant Clinic that has been performing hair transplantation operations as well as hair treatments since 1996 with over twenty years of experience. They are performing the latest minimally invasive FUE and DHi methods, where no stitching process is involved and therefore does not leave any linear scarring in the donor area. With a proven success rate of 98%, they guarantee natural results


Main category: Health

Sub category: Medicine

Tags: hair transplant

Added: 01/02/2018

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