5 matches found for freelance

The Advertising & Shopping Social Network

We are a social network created to advertise brands, businesses, professionals, and freelancers, etc. Use our platform to make new connections, place classified ads, open an online store to sell physical as well as digital products, or all of the above. Looking for a job or trying to find a date? a...

The Advertising & Shopping Social Network

We are a social network created to advertise brands, businesses, professionals, and freelancers, etc. Use our platform to make new connections, place classified ads, open an online store to sell physical as well as digital products, or all of the above. Looking for a job or trying to find a date? a...

PPC Consultant - freelance digital specialist

Pay per Click consultant specialising in working with small businesses to maximise their adwords budgets. Offering a range of consulting, coaching and done for you managed options, whatever your needs we are sure to be able to help. Get in touch today for a comprehensive google ads audit.

Architekst | Professional Translation Company

We are an experienced translation company which for last 17 years has been providing our clients with first class translation and project management services. We translate into over 140 languages in a wide range of sectors including lifestyle, market research, law, and others. We collaborate with a...

Recruitment of IT employees on Ireland market

Computer science, as a leader in providing cutting-edge applications for industry, is commonly known as a demanding field as far as recruiting is concerned. Seeking a highly skilled, experienced and motivated employee is time-consuming and big-budget. Decent salary, friendly associates, flexible no...