There are many different kinds of massage. The most common one is the Swedish massage. It is a kind of relaxation massage technique is designed to relax the muscles and joints for the body. Other types of massage including deep tissue massage, reflexology, shiatsu, trigger point therapy, ancient Thai massage, Chinese Tuina massage, and hot stone massage, etc. Massage techniques can be combined and integrated together and these combinations always can be tailored to your personal preference and needs. During the massage treatment, the therapist will use his/her expertise to assess your body situation, then determine which techniques to use to combine from various massage types to yield the best result. These blended techniques often involve a combination of deep tissue and relaxation massage to relieve stress and tension in your body and muscle. A combined massage is also a good choice for a patient who is not as familiar with the massage. After the therapist understands the patient's needs and areas to focus on. He or she can apply different massage techniques and pressure on those areas and patients to provide feedback. This process the patient can experience multiple modalities at once and discover his preferred massage technique. Active Healing Massage and Wellness provides a wide range of massage services. They work with every body and they aim to optimize your wellness and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. They offer different therapeutic treatments such as Swedish relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, traditional Thai and Thai oil massage, as well as acupuncture and skin rejuvenation treatments.
Main category: Health
Sub category: Services
Tags: edmonton massage therapy
Added: 28/11/2019