When you set up your company you plan to reach either local or global clients depending on nature of your business. Efficient way of letting people know what you offer is to create website which looks like portfolio that is comprises of information where your company resides, experience you possess, kind of services you provide, how potentially interested customers can keep in touch with you etc. In order to incorporate up and running site you need to find software developer who will first determine layout, make up case study, come up with functionality, prepare mockups and others. Website development consists of variety of aspects such as database, server, webservies, front and back technologies inlcuding cutting edge like Angular, jQuery, bootstrap. All these combined together make up dazzling effects which transfer to better perception. Not only do we leverage of mentioned technologies but we also take advantage of methods such as Agile or Scrum to streamline development cycle
Url: pascalschardijn.nl
Main category: Computers
Sub category: Programming
Tags: php mysql html5 javascript jquery
Added: 26/09/2017