23 matches found for school

Liceo Musicale

We bring together professional musicians with extensive experience in teaching music who combine teaching activities with concert performances in front of different audiences. Genre is not limited to classical music. Our teachers are specialists in contemporary avant-garde music, jazz as well as -...

Student Database

We pride ourselves on being a genuine provider of all kinds of student databases including NEET, JEE, Class 10th, Class 12th, etc. Regular updates guarantee that data are always up-to-date.

Tailored IT solutions for your business

Our company is a managed IT services provider based in the UK. We specialize in apple support for apple-based businesses schools & professionals, mainly supporting south-west London & Surrey. We offer consultancy, professional services, software development and deployment, computer management, and...

Personalised labels for clothing industry

Based in Cambridge UK, we manufacture a wide range of personalised, high-quality name labels for clothing. Our labels are used by both school and nursery children along with care home residents, and our ability to print in full colour allows us to print logos for craft and handmade items.

Christian education for your child

Northgate Academy offers accredited, faith-based online high school programs for high school age and adult learners. Students can take online courses from any location. Expert instructors are available for support

Online middle school

Excel High School is a homeschool option which offers accredited online middle school courses for grades 6, 7 and 8 that bridge the gap between elementary school and high school

School trips for students

If you are a teacher and you put lots of effort to grab student's attention, but they rarely express interest in what you are talking about, then you need something that would enrich your message. Nothing stimulates imagination more than real life examples, but books undoubtedly lack them. Why a of...

Dentist focussing on oral health

It's widely known that bad oral health can lead to many different illnesses, but as more is discovered, we realise just how important good oral health is in helping your longevity and keeping you well. Despite intensive efforts in educating young generation regarding the importance of oral hygiene,...

Learning a foreign language with a little effort

As far as learning new language is concerned, it is a skill which comprises of following linked features: writing, reading, listening and speaking. The question arises whether it is more beneficial to work on every aspect independently or all simultaneously. Some people go as far as to claim that a...

Learn foreign language and meet other cultures

Are you overwhelmed by number of words you need to learn in order to possess some grasp of new language? If you went through another tutorial and level of your target language has not enhanced then maybe techniques do not appeal to you. There are many ways to pick up new language such as online for...